• Service Times and Directions
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  • Location

    Aledo UMC

    100 Pecan Drive
    Aledo, Texas 76008

    Service Times

    • Sundays | 9:00 a.m. | Hub Contemporary

    • Sundays | 10:00 a.m. | Sunday School

    • Sundays | 11:00 a.m. | Cornerstone Traditional

Alzheimers and Kaliedoscope Care GroupDecember 11, 2025

Caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease or similar dementia is a difficult task to undertake. This we understand so partner with Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group of East Parker County to offer respite and education.

On the second Thursday of every month we gather together to support you. Join us for conversation and refreshments before spliting in to groups; caregivers meet to hear guest speakers, receive education on issues affecting the caregiver and their families, and have time for to discuss their concerns; the care-receivers enjoy time with our volunteers who join them in song, games, and crafts.

* Make new friends who understand and help
* Learn ways to cope with long term care giving
* Re-focus on your own health and well being
* learn how to deal with new behaviours, communication challenges, the medical system, legal issues, challenges of everyday life, facing new hurdles, and recognising the symptoms of illness.

We welcome you, your family, and your care-receiver. Please let Sally Bond  know if you will be bringing your care-receiver.
1:00-3:30 p.m.

For more information, please email ssbrn75@yahoo.com Sally Bond or call 512-923-9268.

Event Details

Day: Thursday
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: MAC Center - Aledo UMC
Map It100 Pecan Drive
Aledo, TX 76008

The Parlor - Aledo UMC
Map It100 Pecan Drive
Aledo, TX 76008

Contact: Sally Bond

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