• Service Times and Directions
  • Give
  • Location

    Aledo UMC

    100 Pecan Drive
    Aledo, Texas 76008

    Service Times

    • Sundays | 9:00 a.m. | Hub Contemporary

    • Sundays | 10:00 a.m. | Sunday School

    • Sundays | 11:00 a.m. | Cornerstone Traditional


October 12th 10am - 3pm 2023

This year's Lord's Acre Festival is going to be another AMAZING event!

Lord's Acre is a fun packed day, this event is our LARGEST fund-raiser for mission work. Our students, children, and adults are mission focused and ready to serve our local area, other communities, and individuals. 

Money raised at Lord’s Acre has built wheelchair ramps and allowed people now safely exit their homes; it has taken VBS to low income areas; it stocks our food pantry and Snack Sacks given, for free, to  school kids during school breaks; it has filled hundreds of Disaster Relief Packs given to people in areas following fire, flood, tornado, etc; it helps  with short-comings and keeps people electricity and water supplies on; and much, much more.

Join us Saturday, October 12th 10am till 3pm for carnival games; silent and live auctions; food; live music; entertaniment from local groups; shopping; and community fun. 

Please share this event with the people you know so we may raise money to help those around us and share God's love for all. 


Silent and Live Auctions

If you have anything to donate for the Live or Silent Auction please send this form to info@aledoumc.org Please let us know what you will be donating asap so we can begin to organize this important part of the festival. 


For anyone interested in being a vendor please find the application form here. We would love to have you be part of our event to help support your local business and our community members.


If you could spare just an hour of your time we need people to assist us, from set upon Friday, during the festival on Saturday, to tear down on Sunday, it will be greatly appreciated.


There are two areas that will benefit from donations of snacks etc:

We have an amazing team who serve lunch to everyone on the day. Help support them by donating snack-size chips and drinks to ensure there is plenty of food to go around.

We have a large group of volunteers who spend many hours on our campus setting up, running, and cleaning up the event. Let's show them our thanks by making sure they have refreshments throughout the day. Please bring in snacks (e.g. protein bars, crackers, granola/fruit bars). 

Country Kitchen

Probably our most popular area! The Country Kitchen sells bakes, casseroles, cookies, cakes, and other favorite recipes, all provided by our congregation. If you can rustle up a  dish, please let us know by completing a form, found in the Narthex, all dishes can be brought on the day to sell.

Show Up!

We are only successful if you come to the event and spend, spend, spend! Your family will have more than enough back for every penny you spend, and you can feel good knowing that you're contributing to a greater cause. Don’t come alone— bring your friends, neighbors, the person in front of you in the grocery store line! 

For even more information find us here on Facebook.

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Stay up to date with everything happening at Aledo UMC!