Come and worship the Lord with us. We offer traditional and contemporary worship styles. Both services offer a comfortable environment, where children are welcome, and no matter where you are on your faith journey, you are accepted and supported along the way.
- 8:30am - Weekly Communion - meet in Pastor Joel’s office
- 9:00am - HUB Contemporary Worship Service - Sanctuary
- 11:00am - Cornerstone Traditional Worship Service - Sanctuary
Hub at 9:00 is a modern, upbeat service offering high-energy, relevant worship. This all-age service is casual and engaging. Children are welcome! Communion is offered the first sunday of each month.
Cornerstone at 11:00 offers the uplifting music of familiar hymns, choir anthems, the creeds and the more formal liturgies of our faith. We live in a culture that can quickly be swept away from the basics of faith. In our traditional service we blend together a focused connection to the everyday world of our worshippers while helping each one to find richness and depth in the tried and true traditions of the faith. Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month.
We are here to help! If you have any questions about our schedule, where to go, selecting a Sunday school class, or anything at all, please email us or call the church office at 817-441-8329.
First Time Visitors
If you are new to Aledo United Methodist Church, please see our Visiting page for information on where to park, where to go, etc.