
Cornerstone Traditional Worship

March 23, 2025


Traditional worship with choir. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month. This service centers around a relaxed environment where we respect our foundation, traditions, and communing as one in sacred elements under God. The music is hymn based with piano, organ, choir, and on occasions our Handbell Choir or orchestral instruments.

Our in-person service is available for those able to attend. 

We welcome and celebrate you worshipping as a family. Your children will be the next generation sitting on the pews, so through the cries, giggles, and babbling, watch your children learn. Following the Children's Time, during the service, the children will exit to the chapel for Children's Church. Please collect your children from the chapel directly following the worship service.

Event Details

Day: Sunday
Time: 11:00am
Location: The Sanctuary - Aledo UMC
100 Pecan Drive
aledo, tx 76008 76008
Childcare: Yes